Milena Bee


chicana angel baby. non-binary gender fluid force of nature.  granddaughter. big sister. goddess.
prince. burrito aficionado. hermit.  spends every night hoping to forget the nightmare boy who
held them down and demanded they stay still so he could fuck them. artist. poet. mythologist. cat
daddy. bookworm. virgo sun.  taurus moon. scorpio rising. dreams about losing teeth and being
suffocated by said nightmare boy. pale green thumb. beach goth. fruit bat. sunflower. allergic to
bell peppers. world traveler.  secret gym rat. wondering if he knows what he did. anemic antics.
addicted to caffeine. dig deep. fight on. vamos doyers. bee incarnate. child. wondering, do you
get it now?

milena bee is a chicane poet and mythologist. they live, work, garden, and sleep in sunny california. they're also the co-editor in chief of all guts no glory.