Submissions are currently closed.

Issue Three coming soon.


Before submitting, we strongly encourage you to read Issue One and our “About” page to understand Non.Plus’s mission. As an online poetry magazine, we’re looking for unpublished poetry. We’re especially interested in young poets whose work may be considered unconventional, strange, surreal, and the like! Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, we just ask that if your piece is accepted elsewhere you notify us by filling out our Poem Withdrawal Form HERE


If you have recently been published in Non.Plus, we ask that you wait at least 8 months from when your issue is released before resubmitting.

You can find the link to the submission google form below. In .docx form, upload a single document containing 2-4 poems. Each poem should begin on a new page, and the total page count should not exceed 6 pages. Please title your submission document with your email address. Please also only submit one packet per submission period.

At the time, we don’t have the financials to offer payment for published pieces. We will, however, promote your work on our social media and elsewhere.

Thanks so much for trusting us with your poetry. We look forward to reading your work, and getting back to you soon!